"Working with Jeanna is like having the cheat codes to parenting. In the beginning we focused on day-to-day issues such as sleep regression, which was impossibly helpful, but quickly we moved to longer-term topics such as cognitive development, learning and behavior, which we otherwise wouldn’t have time to even think about. Jeanna’s advice is so much more practical, balanced and evidence-based than I ever expected; we are infinitely better parents as a result, which is what matters most to us."

– Todd S.

“Jeanna has been a godsend as I navigate this thing called motherhood. She has coached me through sleep, nursing, behavioral (both mine and my son's!) issues, as well as given me great ideas for play and child development. More than anything, it's been great to have a resource who knows me and my child who can give tailored advice based on my situation. I sometimes use various forums to garner advice, but Jeanna already has my background so she really understands what I and my child needs.”

-Helen T.

"Jeanna was incredibly helpful in supporting our family through the many transitions in early toddlerhood. For everything from sleep regressions, to teething, picky eating, to temper tantrums, she provided us with really clear explanations for the behaviors we saw, and provided us with actionable plans to address each challenge. Jeanna is a fantastic listener, super communicative, and brings a wealth of experience working with (and raising!) kids of all ages."

-Amy S.

“I'd recommend Jeanna to any parent without a doubt. She started supporting us when my son was about 1.5 yrs old. Her advice gave us back hours of our life that would have been spent worrying, waking up in the night , and being outright confused. While we had read several sleep training books none can compare to Jeanna's advice. She would first gather context about the situation, then she would give us some ideas that we could try. But the most special part is the follow up help. Being able to tweak as things progress made transition faster and brought better results. Some of the things that she supported us with involved sleep training, eating, problematic behavior like biting, activities, what to do during trips, and several smaller tips and answers to random questions. I also really appreciate the she can combine her academical knowledge with that of being a parent. Being able to relate to us when things are just simply hard has made us feel at ease countless times.”

-Bernat F.